

考虑到保利? 我们很高兴见到你!

Our 招生 Office is here to help you every step of the way. 请 十大网堵平台. 以下是一些常见问题. 我们希望它们对您有所帮助!

  • 如何了解更多十大网堵平台保利预科的信息?

    This admissions season, we are excited to share our school with you online and in-person. 我们欢迎您注册我们的 招生活动 了解更多十大网堵平台保利预科的信息.

  • 保利预科 is located on two campuses in Brooklyn. 学生们怎么去学校?

    保利预科 partners with a private bus company to provide daily transportation for students to and from both campuses. 在一个典型的年份, over 80% of students ride the bus to school. The cost of riding the bus is included in tuition.


    We offer a morning and afternoon bus for the 较低的学校 that arrives and departs before and after the day ends.


    给我们的中学生和高中生, we provide one morning bus and two buses in the afternoon: a 4:00 PM bus and a 6:00 PM bus. All regular after-school activities finish in time for students to catch the 6:00 PM bus.

    欲知更多巴士路线,请浏览我们的 公交线路 页面.

  • 是否接受所有职系的申请? 保利预科的主要入学成绩是什么?

    我们欢迎所有年级的申请. Nursery 3s, Grades 5, 6, and 9 are our main entry grades.

  • 所有申请人都要面试吗?

    入学年份(幼儿园、五年级、六年级、 & 9): All students who submit a preliminary application by the deadline must register for an in-person interview. Interviewing is a mandatory step in the application process.

    Non-entry years (Pre-K through Grade 4, Grades 7, 8, 10, 11, 12): 面试是通过邀请进行的. Spaces in non-entry years are based on attrition and the number of interview appointments available can vary from year to year. Due to the volume of applications, we are not able to interview all applicants to non-entry grades. If we are able to schedule an interview, we will contact you via email as soon as possible.

  • Are there age cut offs for applying to 保利预科 较低的学校?

    申请我们的 较低的学校, age cut offs apply to each grade as follows:

    幼儿园: 入学年度9月1日前年满3岁

    情: 入学年度9月1日前年满4周岁

    幼儿园: 入学年度9月1日前年满5周岁

    1级: 入学年度9月1日前年满6周岁

    2级: 入学年度9月1日前年满7岁

    三年级: 入学年度9月1日前年满8周岁

    4级: 入学年度9月1日前年满9岁

  • Are there age cut offs for applying to 保利预科 中学?

    申请我们的 中学, the vast majority of students at 保利预科 fall within our age cut off guidelines of September 1. This means that most students entering Grade 5 will be 10 years old by September 1, most students entering Grade 6 will be 11 years old by September 1 and so on. Families are asked to select the “apply grade” that they feel is most appropriate for their child given these guidelines.

  • Are fee waivers available for the Ravenna application?


    a) families for whom the application fee presents a financial hardship;

    b) families who submitted an application last year; or

    c) families affiliated with the following programs: A Better Chance, 突破纽约, 奥利弗学者计划, 柚木, ace, DeLaSalle/George Jackson Academy and Prep for Prep.

    For students applying through placement programs, please reach out to your placement program for a waiver code. For students who fall into category a) or b), please contact 艾伦Kinnane招生运营副主任.

  • 保利预科提供经济资助吗? 我如何申请?

    金融援助 对保利预科的使命至关重要, providing access to families who would not otherwise be able to afford tuition. In 2023-2024, our financial aid budget is over $12.6 million and we are committed to meeting family needs. 在一个典型的年份, we are able to offer tuition support to a percentage of families who qualify for aid, though we receive significantly more requests than we are able to fulfill. Families applying to all grades may submit a separate application for financial aid through 清晰.  保利预科’s financial aid application and all supporting documents will be due on 12月15日. 请参阅我们的 学费和助学金 页以获取更详细的信息.

  • 有优秀学生奖学金吗??

    All 金融援助 is based on need; no merit scholarships based on academic or athletic achievement are awarded.

  • When should I ask my child’s teacher to complete the teacher recommendation form?

    The teacher recommendation form must be submitted by your child’s CURRENT teacher—the teacher who is teaching your child during the academic year 2024-25. We strongly recommend that you request the recommendation after October 15 to give the teacher enough time to get to know your child and complete the form before it is due on 2025年1月9日.

  • 我可以提交额外的推荐信吗?

    除了必需的建议之外, there is a general recommendation form which an additional delegate may submit.

  • Can I submit additional materials to highlight an interest or skill?

    We welcome the opportunity to get to know more about your child. Our application offers an optional step to include additional information

  • Does 保利预科 have a sibling and legacy policy?

    We know that choosing a school for your child is an important decision. We are honored when current families and alumni apply for their children and many siblings and legacies enroll at 保利预科 each year. Sibling and legacy applicants are given special consideration in the admissions process, 然而, we evaluate all applications according to the same criteria. We make each admissions decision with the best interests of the child in mind. Admission for siblings and legacies is not guaranteed and we encourage applicant families to explore several school options for their children.

  • Does 保利预科 offer early notification for admissions decisions?

    We offer an early timeline for sibling applicants to Nursery only. If you are applying a sibling to Nursery, please be in touch with 理查兹塔莎, Director of 招生, Enrollment and 金融援助.
